Doughnut Chart

Doughnut Chart is also used to display each category’s contribution parts of a whole number.

for example if we have to showcase employee wise revenue then we can use Doughnut chart to show the each employee contribution in overall revenue.


Doughnut Chart
Doughnut Chart


In the above picture, we have displayed Category Name(Employee Name) in the legends, Percentage (contribution in overall) in data labels. Below is the employee wise revenue which we have used to create this chart.


Employee wise revenue
Employee wise revenue


To create this Pie chart below steps to be followed-

  • Select the data range like “A1:B6”.
  • Go to Insert>>Charts>>Pie Chart >> Doughnut
Select Doughnut Chart
Select Doughnut Chart


After successfully inserting the a Doughnut chart, we will change the style of this Doughnut chart.

Click on the charts, “Design” Tab will be visible under “Chart Tool”. We can choose any of the design but this chart we will select style 3.


Chart Styles
Chart Styles


Our doughnut chart is ready. Please download this excel file for practice.


Doughnut chart
Click on the chart to download the excel file