Slicers are basically filters, which are available visually. At a time multiple slicer can be added for a pivot table. Slicer also can be resized or moved to the different worksheet. Slicers work for Text and Date field both.
Note: Slicer feature is available only in Microsoft Excel 2010 or above version.
To insert the slicers below are the steps-
- Click any where in the pivot table
- Go to Analyze Tab>>Click on Insert Slicer in Filter Tab.

- Insert Slicer window will be displayed
- Select the Filed for which you want to insert a slicer.
- Click on OK

After Inserting the Slicers will look like below image –

To filter the data click on the slicer item (for example Supervisor-1). Data will be filtered by Supervisor-1

Note : Multiple items can be select by pressing Ctrl Key.
Connect Slicer with Multiple Pivot Tables:
A slicer can be connected with multiple tables. Data source for all pivot must be same.
To connect a slicer with multiple table right click on the slicer and click on Report Connections…

Report Connections window will be opened. Select the check box of the pivot table which you want to connect with that slicer. Slicer will be connected with all the pivot table which is selected in report connection window.

Columns in Slicer:
By default there is one column available in a slicer, however it can be changed.
- For example we have 4 Product in Product slicer, we want to show 2 Product in a row.
- To show 2 product in a row, click on the slicers go to Option Tab>>Select 2 Columns option.
- Now Product-1 & 2 are available in first row and Product 3 & 4 are are available in second row.