Chapter-3: List (Drop down) in Data Validation

Creating the drop down list in Excel Cells is the most commonly used. We can prevent invalid entry by forcing the user to select value from the drop-down list which we have given. It is useful to data entry process.

Below are the steps to create a drop down list in data validation:

  • Select the range.
  • Go to Data tab>>Data Validation>>Click on Data Validation.
Data Validation Option
Data Validation Option
  • Below given window will be opened.
  • Select List in Allow drop down.
  • Put the comma separated text in the Source box.
  • Click on OK button.
Drop down list in data validation
Drop down list in data validation
As we have put drop down for Yes, No and NA. It will be appeared in cells for which we have applied.
Drop down list
Drop down list
If we will try to enter anything else in cell, it will show the below error.
Error while wrong entry
Error while wrong entry

We can give the Source from the excel range or Name.

We have days name on range “F1:F7”. We can put it in the Source box.

Drop down source from Excel Range
Drop down source from Excel Range

Day’s name drop down will be created.

Drop down list from Excel Range
Drop down list from Excel Range


If we will enter anything else apart from this list, it will show below error.
Error while entering anything else apart from this list
Error while entering anything else apart from this list

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