Optimize your project management with our Dynamic Project Planner (Gantt Chart) in Excel. This Excel-based Gantt chart allows you to switch seamlessly between daily and weekly views, enabling flexible planning and progress tracking. Enhanced with VBA, it’s a robust tool for tracking project timelines with precision.

Key Features:
- Daily and Weekly View Options: Easily toggle between daily and weekly project timelines using a convenient drop-down, providing adaptable project insights.
- Dynamic Status Indicators: Mark tasks as Pending, In Progress, or Completed, allowing at-a-glance status tracking for streamlined project management.
- Password-Protected & Secure: Protects critical data with a password (default: “1234”) to ensure secure, editable, and user-specific access.
- Automated Updates with VBA: Uses VBA code to dynamically update views, ensuring a smooth transition between daily and weekly layouts and reducing manual adjustments