IF then statement is used to run the certain code when given condition is true and if condition is false then some other code will execute. We must close the IF statement with End IF.

In the below example we are asking a question by using Message box. If user clicks on Yes, then we know it will return 6 and if user clicks on No then it will return 7. So, we have taken condition to show the message box for the click of yes and no.

Sub IF_else_Then()
 Dim s As Integer
 s = MsgBox("Do you like VBA?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo)
 If s = 6 Then
    MsgBox "You clicked on Yes"
   MsgBox "You clicked on No"
 End If

End Sub

When we run this code, it will show below given message.

Message Popup
Message Popup

If you click on Yes button, then it will return-

Result for Yes
Result for Yes

If you click on No button, then it will return-

Result for No
Result for No


Elseif is used to use more than one condition. See the below given example.

Sub IF_And_ElseIF()

Dim x As Integer
 Dim y As Integer

x = VBA.InputBox("Please enter the value to x")
 y = VBA.InputBox("Please enter the value to y")

If x > y Then
 MsgBox "x is greater than y"
 ElseIf y > x Then
 MsgBox "y is greater than x"
 MsgBox "X is equal to Y"
 End If

End Sub

When we will run this code, we must input x and y value as number.

I have given value of x as 5

Input value of x
Input value of x

I have given value of y as 10

Input value of y
Input value of y

Now it will show the result

Result popup
Result popup

Watch the IF ELSE THEN tutorial video


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