
First off, let’s get into the definition. The UNICHAR Excel formula is an advanced function that returns the Unicode character of a given number.


The primary purpose of the UNICHAR function is to help in translating Unicode values into characters, proving particularly useful when you need to manipulate or analyze data that involves different character sets.


The syntax for UNICHAR in Excel is straightforward:



The UNICHAR function only requires one parameter:

  1. number: This is the Unicode number for which you want to find the corresponding character.


UNICHAR returns the Unicode character that corresponds to the number input.

Usage Notes

One thing to note: if you input a number that doesn’t correspond to a Unicode character, Excel will return a #VALUE! error.


The UNICHAR function is available in Excel 2013 and later versions.

Example #1

Let’s kick off with a simple example. Try inputting the following:


This will return “A” as the result since 65 is the Unicode number for “A”.

Example #2

Now, let’s use UNICHAR with a different number:


The formula will return “✔”, which is the Unicode check mark.

Example #3

Here’s an example showing how to handle a non-existent Unicode number:


This will return a #VALUE! error since 1114112 is outside the Unicode range.

Example #4

How about trying the UNICHAR formula with a number from the middle of the Unicode range?


This will return “Ψ” because it is the Greek character Psi.

Example #5

Lastly, let’s use UNICHAR with a commonly-used smiley emoji:


This will return the emoji “😀”.

Tips and Tricks

Firstly, one helpful trick to enhance your data analysis capabilities is to use the UNICHAR function in combination with other Excel formulas, especially when you’re dealing with data that uses diverse character sets.


However, it’s essential to note a significant limitation of the UNICHAR formula: it only handles Unicode numbers that correspond to valid Unicode characters.

Common Errors and Solutions

Inevitably, the most common issue you might face is when using a number that doesn’t match a valid Unicode character. In this case, Excel will promptly respond with a #VALUE! error.

Best Practices

Consequently, a good practice to prevent such errors is to diligently check the validity of the Unicode number before applying the UNICHAR function.

List of Related Functions

Adding to this, it’s worth mentioning that the UNICHAR function is closely related to the CHAR function, which returns the character specified by a number code from the current 8-bit character set.

Frequently Used with the Formulas

Moreover, the versatility of the UNICHAR function enables you to use it with IF, LEN, MID, and other text functions to create customized solutions based on the Unicode characters in a cell.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What happens if I input a number outside the Unicode range?

In that situation, Excel will immediately return a #VALUE! error if the number doesn’t correspond to a valid Unicode character.

Q. Can I use UNICHAR to create emojis in Excel?

Interestingly, yes! You can absolutely use UNICHAR to create emojis. Just locate the correct Unicode number for the emoji you wish to use.

Q. Can I combine UNICHAR with other Excel formulas?

Of course! You can effectively combine UNICHAR with other Excel functions to perform complex tasks and analysis.

Finally, as a concluding note, the UNICHAR function is indeed a potent tool in Excel that empowers you to manipulate Unicode characters, thereby adding depth to your data analysis. With a bit of dedicated practice, you can leverage it to bring more clarity and precision to your spreadsheet calculations.

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