CHAR formula


Diving into the pool of most common Excel formulas, we have the CHAR function. This function, simple yet powerful, returns a character specified by a number (ASCII value).



The purpose of the CHAR function is to convert ASCII values into their respective characters. It comes in handy when you want to insert specific non-keyboard characters or line breaks in a cell.



Creating formulas in Excel is a breeze, and the CHAR function is no exception. The syntax is straightforward:





The CHAR function only requires one parameter:

  • number: This is the ASCII value of the character you want to display.



The CHAR function returns the character represented by the specified ASCII value.


Usage Notes

The ASCII values range from 1 to 255, inclusive, each representing a unique character.



The CHAR function is a fundamental part of Excel, making it available across all versions.


Example #1

For instance, let’s say you want to get the character represented by ASCII value 65 (which is the letter “A”). In your cell, type the formula =CHAR(65).


Example #2


Consider you have the ASCII value 97 (which corresponds to the lowercase letter “a”). In your chosen cell, type =CHAR(97) to display the character.


Example #3


Imagine you need to insert a line break using its ASCII value (10). You could do this by typing =CHAR(10) in the required cell.


Example #4


If you want to get the character represented by ASCII value 32, which is a space character, use the formula =CHAR(32).


Example #5

Lastly, if you have the ASCII value 36 in a cell, which represents the dollar sign “$”, use =CHAR(36) to get the character.


Tips and Tricks

You can combine CHAR with other functions for more complex operations. For instance, it’s frequently used with the SUBSTITUTE function to replace line breaks.



The CHAR function only understands ASCII values from 1 to 255. If you input a number outside this range, it will return an error.

Common Errors and Solutions

One common error is #VALUE!, which appears if the input number is less than 1 or greater than 255. Ensure you input a valid ASCII value to avoid this error.

Best Practices

When using CHAR, remember to check the ASCII table for accurate values corresponding to the characters you need.

List of Related Functions

Excel has other functions related to CHAR:

  • CODE: Does the reverse of CHAR, returning the ASCII value of the first character in a text string.
  • UNICODE: Returns the Unicode value of the first character in a text string.
  • UNICHAR: Returns the Unicode character referenced by a number.

Frequently Used with Formulas

The CHAR function works well with:

  • SUBSTITUTE: To replace line breaks in a text string.
  • CONCATENATE/CONCAT: To join several text strings into one text string.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is the CHAR Formula available in all Excel versions?

Yes, the CHAR function is available in all versions of Excel.

Q. What does the CHAR Formula return?

The CHAR function returns the character represented by a specific ASCII value.

Q. What is the range of input for the CHAR Formula?

The CHAR function accepts ASCII values ranging from 1 to 255.

In conclusion, the CHAR function is a fantastic tool in your advanced Excel functions kit, especially when you want to work with ASCII values. It’s simple, effective, and highly useful in various data analysis tasks.

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