MINUTE Formula


The MINUTE formula in Excel is an invaluable tool that enables you to extract the minute component from a specified time, ranging from 0 to 59.


The purpose of the MINUTE formula in Excel is to isolate the minute as a number from a specific time value or time text string. This is incredibly useful for breaking down full date-time values into more manageable parts for data analysis.


Let’s get down to the basics of the MINUTE formula’s syntax:



The MINUTE formula has one parameter:

  1. Serial_number: This is the Excel time from which you want to extract the minute.


As an outcome, the MINUTE formula in Excel returns an integer that corresponds to the minute component of a given time.

Usage notes MINUTE formula in Excel

Always remember, when you need to pull out the minute component from a time, the MINUTE formula is your best friend.


Feel confident knowing you can use the MINUTE formula in all versions of Excel.

Example #1

If you want to extract the minute from the time 15:45, you would use the MINUTE formula in the following manner:


This formula will give you the number 45, which stands for the minute.

Example #2

Let’s assume you have a time in cell B2 and you want to extract the minute. Here’s how you would use the MINUTE formula:


This formula will give you the minute component of the time in cell B2.

Example #3

For this example, let’s extract the minute from the current time:


This formula will yield the current minute.

Example #4

In our fourth example, let’s calculate the minute from a full date-time string:

=MINUTE("2023-12-31 15:30")

This formula will return the number 30, representing the minute.

Example #5

In our last example, let’s determine the minute from a time given in 12-hour format:

=MINUTE("02:30 PM")

This formula will return the number 30, which is the minute part of the time.

Tips and tricks

A useful trick when using the MINUTE formula is remembering that it can also work with date-time strings, just like the HOUR formula.


The main limitation of the MINUTE formula is that it doesn’t recognize text values that aren’t valid times. If you feed it such values, it will return a #VALUE! error.

Common errors and solutions

The most common mistake with the MINUTE formula in Excel is inputting non-time values for the serial_number parameter. Make sure that the input values are valid times to avoid a #VALUE! error.

Best Practices

When using the MINUTE formula, always double-check the input times for accuracy.

List of Related functions

Excel provides many other date and time functions. Other functions related to MINUTE include HOUR, SECOND, NOW, and TIME.

Frequently Used with the formulas

The MINUTE formula often works in tandem with other formulas like NOW, TODAY, HOUR, and SECOND to perform intricate time calculations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What happens if the serial_number is not a valid time?

The MINUTE formula will return a #VALUE! error if the serial_number is not a valid time.

Q. Can I use the MINUTE formula with date-time strings?

Yes, the MINUTE formula can successfully extract the minute from date-time strings.

Q. Can the MINUTE formula handle time in 12-hour format?

Yes, the MINUTE formula can work with times in both 12-hour and 24-hour formats.

Q. Does the MINUTE formula return minutes in a specific format?

No, the MINUTE formula simply returns the minute as an integer ranging from 0 to 59.

Q. How can I avoid errors when using the MINUTE formula?

Always ensure that the serial_number parameter is a valid time to prevent errors.


By now, you should have a solid understanding of Excel’s MINUTE formula, which is a potent tool to have in your data analysis arsenal. From its purpose and syntax to its practical applications with real-world examples, we’ve explored how it’s used to extract the minute component from a time. Remember, while it’s a relatively straightforward formula, it requires the input time to be valid. Embrace this formula and others like the HOUR, SECOND, and NOW formulas to carry out sophisticated time calculations. Don’t hesitate to dive deeper and keep expanding your Excel skills!

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