IFS Formula


The IFS formula is a versatile tool in Excel, acting as a superhero when you are conducting advanced data analysis. It stands as a testament to Excel’s capacity to handle multiple conditions with ease.


The IFS formula in Excel, as the name suggests, is used when there are multiple “IF” conditions to be checked. It provides a way to perform one or more comparisons and return the first TRUE result.


The IFS formula uses a simple syntax that follows this pattern:

=IFS(test1, value1, [test2, value2], ..., [test_n, value_n])


The IFS formula relies on pairs of arguments:

  • test1, test2, ..., test_n – These are the conditions that you’re checking. The IFS formula evaluates these tests in the order they appear.
  • value1, value2, ..., value_n – These are the corresponding results for each test. If a test is TRUE, Excel will return its corresponding value.


The IFS formula returns the first value where the corresponding test is TRUE. If no tests are TRUE, the formula returns the #N/A error.

Usage notes

The IFS formula is perfect for those moments when you need to check multiple conditions. It’s a clean, organized way to perform multiple IF statements. You’re not limited to just two or three conditions, the IFS formula can handle many more, making it ideal for complex decision-making tasks.


The IFS formula is available in Excel 2016 and newer versions.

Example #1

Let’s imagine you have student grades and you want to categorize them. You could use the IFS formula like this:

=IFS(B2>=90, "A", B2>=80, "B", B2>=70, "C", B2>=60, "D", TRUE, "F")

Example #2

In the business world, you might use the IFS formula to determine sales commission rates:

=IFS(C2>100000, C2*0.10, C2>75000, C2*0.07, C2>50000, C2*0.05, TRUE, C2*0.02)

Example #3

In a supply chain scenario, you could use the IFS formula to determine delivery times based on order size:

=IFS(D2>1000, "4 weeks", D2>500, "3 weeks", D2>100, "2 weeks", TRUE, "1 week")

Example #4

Let’s say you’re calculating bonus payments and want to set different tiers:

=IFS(E2>100000, "20% bonus", E2>75000, "15% bonus", E2>50000, "10% bonus", TRUE, "5% bonus")

Example #5

In a sports setting, you might want to categorize players based on their scores:

=IFS(F2>35, "Excellent", F2>25, "Good", F2>15, "Average", TRUE, "Needs Improvement")

Tips and tricks

Using the IFS formula can simplify your worksheets when you have multiple conditions to check. Remember to always include a final TRUE condition to avoid #N/A errors.


While the IFS formula can handle multiple conditions, remember that it only checks until it finds the first TRUE condition. After that, it stops checking. This can lead to problems if your conditions are not mutually exclusive.

Common errors and solutions

A common error is forgetting to add a final TRUE condition. If all other conditions are FALSE, and no TRUE condition is specified, Excel will return a #N/A error.

Best Practices

When using the IFS formula, follow these best practices:

  • Always add a final TRUE condition
  • Make sure your conditions are mutually exclusive
  • Organize your conditions in the correct order

List of Related functions

Other related Excel formulas include:

  • IF: The standard IF formula
  • AND: Checks if all conditions are TRUE
  • OR: Checks if any condition is TRUE

Frequently Used with the formulas

The IFS formula is commonly used with other Excel formulas like SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN, and many others.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How many conditions can the IFS formula handle?

The IFS formula can handle up to 127 conditions.

Q. What happens if all conditions in the IFS formula are FALSE?

If all conditions are FALSE and no final TRUE condition is specified, the IFS formula will return a #N/A error.

Q. Can I use logical operators in the IFS formula?

Yes, you can use operators like >, <, =, >=, <=, <> in your conditions.

Q. Can I use the IFS formula with other Excel formulas?

Yes, the IFS formula can be used with many other Excel formulas.

This guide offers a comprehensive understanding of Excel’s IFS formula. Follow it to master the IFS formula and streamline your data analysis.

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