
Let’s start with the definition. The NUMBERVALUE formula in Excel is an advanced function designed to convert text into numbers. It’s incredibly useful when you’re dealing with datasets that may have numbers formatted as text.


Next, let’s talk about its purpose. The primary function of the NUMBERVALUE formula is to convert text strings that represent numbers into actual numeric values. This allows for proper data analysis and calculations within Excel, especially when importing data from other sources where numbers might be formatted as text.


Moving onto syntax, the NUMBERVALUE formula is slightly more complex than some other Excel formulas, but it’s still fairly straightforward. Here it is:

NUMBERVALUE(text, [decimal_separator], [group_separator])


The NUMBERVALUE formula takes three parameters:

  1. text: The text you want to convert to a number.
  2. decimal_separator (optional): The character used as the decimal separator in the text.
  3. group_separator (optional): The character used as the group separator in the text.


The NUMBERVALUE formula returns the numeric value of the text string. If the text cannot be converted into a number, Excel returns an error.

Usage notes

The NUMBERVALUE formula is essential when you’re dealing with imported data or numbers stored as text. Remember, Excel won’t be able to perform calculations or apply numerical formatting on numbers stored as text, so this function comes in handy in these scenarios.


The NUMBERVALUE formula is available in Excel 2013 and later versions.

Example #1

For our first example, let’s say cell A1 contains the text string “1,234.56”. To convert this into a numeric value, you can use the following formula:

=NUMBERVALUE(A1, ".", ",")

This formula will return the number 1234.56.

Example #2

In our second example, let’s consider cell A2 has the string “1.234,56”, which is a common format in some European countries. You can use the NUMBERVALUE formula to convert this text into a number like so:

=NUMBERVALUE(A2, ",", ".")

This formula will return the number 1234.56.

Example #3

Let’s say cell A3 contains the string “123456”. Here, we don’t need to specify the decimal and group separators. So the formula becomes:


This formula will return the number 123456.

Example #4

In our fourth example, suppose cell A4 contains the string “1.234,56” and we use the following formula:


This formula will return an error because Excel’s default decimal separator is “.”, which does not match the decimal separator in the text.

Example #5

For our final example, suppose cell A5 contains the string “1234.56”. If we apply the NUMBERVALUE formula:


This formula will return the number 1234.56.

Tips and tricks

A handy trick when using the NUMBERVALUE formula is to use it with the IFERROR formula. This can help you handle errors if the text cannot be converted into a number.


The NUMBERVALUE formula can only convert text into numbers. It doesn’t work with dates or times formatted as text.

Common errors and solutions

One common error is not correctly specifying the decimal and group separators. If these don’t match the format of the text string, Excel will return an error. Always ensure these separators match the format of the text string you’re trying to convert.

Best Practices

Always double-check the format of the text string you’re converting. This ensures you specify the correct decimal and group separators and avoids unnecessary errors.

List of Related functions

The NUMBERVALUE formula is often used in conjunction with other Excel formulas such as:

  • TEXT: Converts a numeric value to text in a specific number format.
  • VALUE: Converts a text string that represents a number to a number.
  • IFERROR: Returns a custom result when a formula generates an error, and a standard result when no error is detected.TEXT

Frequently Used with the formulas

The NUMBERVALUE formula is frequently used with functions like SUM, AVERAGE, and COUNT, once the text is converted into numeric values.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I use the NUMBERVALUE formula on a range of cells?

Yes, you can use the NUMBERVALUE formula on a range of cells. However, it’s important to note that this formula works on an individual cell basis. So, you’ll need to apply the formula to each cell individually or use it with an array function.

Q. What happens if the text cannot be converted into a number?

If the text cannot be converted into a number, the NUMBERVALUE formula returns an error. To handle this, you can use the IFERROR function to return a specific value or perform a different action.

Q. Can I use the NUMBERVALUE formula to convert dates or times formatted as text?

No, the NUMBERVALUE formula cannot convert dates or times formatted as text. It’s specifically designed to convert text strings that represent numbers.

In conclusion, the NUMBERVALUE formula is an incredibly useful tool in Excel for converting text into numbers. This is essential for data analysis, especially when you’re dealing with imported data where numbers might be formatted as text. Mastering the NUMBERVALUE formula, along with other related Excel functions, can significantly improve your data analysis capabilities.

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