CHOOSE Formula


The CHOOSE function in Excel is a lookup and reference formula that returns a value from a list of values based on a specified position or index number.


The purpose of the CHOOSE function is to simplify the process of selecting a value from a list of values based on a given position or index number.


The syntax for the CHOOSE function is:

CHOOSE(index_num, value1, [value2], [value3], ...)


The parameters for the CHOOSE function are:

  • Index_num: The position number of the value which you want to select.
  • Value1, value2, etc.: The list of values from where you want to choose on the basis of index_num.


The CHOOSE function returns the value selected based on the specified index number.


The CHOOSE function is available in all versions of Excel.


Choose Formula Example

=CHOOSE(1, "Sun", "Mon", "Tue","Wed",Thu","Fri","Sat")

returns “Sun” because it selects the value in the first position in the list of values.


=CHOOSE(3, "red", "green", "blue", "yellow")

returns “blue” because it selects the value in the third position in the list of values.


=CHOOSE(5, "January", "February", "March")

returns #VALUE! because there is no value in the fifth position in the list of values.


=CHOOSE(2, A1, B1, C1)

returns the value in cell B1 if index_num is 2.


=CHOOSE(2, "apple", "banana", "orange")

returns “banana” because it selects the value in the second position in the list of values.

Tips and tricks:

  • You can use the CHOOSE function nested within other functions to make more complex formulas.
  • We recommended to use the CHOOSE function for small lists of values, otherwise, it becomes difficult to manage.


  • The CHOOSE function is not a dynamic formula, which means if the list of values changes, you need to update the formula manually.
  • The CHOOSE function is not suitable for complex lookup scenarios that involve multiple criteria. VLOOKUP or INDEX/MATCH are better suited for such tasks.

Common errors and solutions:

  • #VALUE! error occurs if the index_num parameter is less than 1 or greater than the number of values in the list.
  • #REF! error occurs if the index_num parameter is not a valid cell reference.

List of Related functions:


Frequently Used with the formulas:

IF function, logical functions, and date and time functions.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. Can the CHOOSE function be used with non-numeric values?

A. Yes, the CHOOSE function can be used with both numeric and non-numeric values.

Q. Can the CHOOSE function be used to select values from different worksheets or workbooks?

A. Yes, the CHOOSE function can be used to select values from different worksheets or workbooks, but the values must be referred with proper reference like SheetName!CellReference or WorkbookName!SheetName!CellReference.