CONCAT Formula


Let’s dive straight in and discuss one of the most useful excel formulas, the CONCAT function. The CONCAT formula is a highly practical tool in Excel’s functions list, designed to join two or more text strings into one single text string.


Why should you familiarize yourself with this Excel formula? It serves a simple yet essential purpose in data analysis. Often in spreadsheets, you may find data scattered across different columns or rows. The CONCAT formula enables you to bring together text, numbers, or cells from different columns into a single cell. It’s a powerful tool for spreadsheet calculation, proving invaluable when you’re creating formulas in Excel for data analysis.


Understanding the syntax is your first step towards mastering Excel formulas. For CONCAT, the syntax is quite straightforward:

CONCAT(text1, [text2], ...)


In this part of the syntax, ‘text1, text2, etc.’ are the parameters of the CONCAT formula. They represent the text strings that you want to combine. They can be actual text (enclosed in double quotes), numbers, or cell references.


So, what does the CONCAT formula return after processing the inputs? It produces a single text string that includes all the text strings provided as arguments. It’s like a text string builder or an Excel calculator for text!

Usage notes

Here are some important notes to keep in mind while using the CONCAT function:

  1. The CONCAT function does not provide a delimiter. If you want to separate the combined text with a comma, space, or any other character, you will have to insert the delimiter as a separate text string.
  2. The CONCAT function replaces the CONCATENATE function. Even though CONCATENATE is still available for backward compatibility, it’s recommended to use CONCAT since it’s more flexible and can accept a range of cells as input.


CONCAT was introduced in Excel 2016, and is available in all Excel versions post-2016, including Office 365.

Now, let’s dive into some examples to better understand how to use CONCAT.

Example #1

Assume we have two columns, First Name and Last Name. We want to combine these two into a Full Name column. In cell C2, where we want the full name to appear, we would use the formula:

=CONCAT(A2, " ", B2)

This formula combines the text in cells A2 and B2, separated by a space.

Example #2

Suppose we have a product ID in column A and a product name in column B. We want to create a unique identifier for each product by combining the product ID and name. In cell C2, the formula would be:

=CONCAT(A2, "-", B2)

Example #3

What if we want to combine an entire range of cells? Say, for example, we have text in cells A2 to A5 and want to combine all this text into a single cell. We would use the formula:


Example #4

CONCAT can also be used to combine numbers. If we have the number 123 in cell A2 and the number 456 in cell B2, and we want to combine these numbers into one cell, the formula would be:


Example #5

Lastly, CONCAT can combine cell references with actual text. If we want to combine the text in cell A2 with the phrase “is great”, the formula would be:

=CONCAT(A2, " is great")

Tips and Tricks

  1. Remember, CONCAT does not provide a delimiter. If you need a delimiter, consider using the TEXTJOIN function.
  2. Use cell references instead of actual text to keep your formulas flexible and easy to update.


CONCAT can only be used to combine text strings. It cannot perform operations on them. For instance, you cannot use CONCAT to add numbers; it will only combine them into a single text string.

Common Errors and Solutions

A common error is ‘#VALUE!’. This happens if any of the arguments are not valid text strings. Ensure all inputs are valid text, numbers, or cell references to avoid this error.

Best Practices

  1. Use cell references to keep your formulas flexible.
  2. Use CONCAT for straightforward text combining tasks. For complex tasks involving delimiters or ignoring empty cells, consider using TEXTJOIN.

List of Related Functions

  1. TEXTJOIN: This function is similar to CONCAT but allows you to specify a delimiter.
  2. LEFT, RIGHT, MID: These functions help you extract specific portions of a text string.
  3. LOWER, UPPER, PROPER: These functions change the case of text.

Frequently Used with Formulas

  1. TRIM: Often used with CONCAT to remove unnecessary spaces.
  2. SUBSTITUTE: Useful for replacing specific text in a string.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can CONCAT be used to combine numbers?

Yes, CONCAT can combine numbers. However, it treats them as text and does not perform any mathematical operations.

Q. Can CONCAT combine ranges?

Yes, unlike its predecessor CONCATENATE, CONCAT can combine ranges.

Q. How is CONCAT different from CONCATENATE?

CONCAT is more flexible than CONCATENATE as it can accept ranges as input. CONCATENATE is still available for backward compatibility but it’s recommended to use CONCAT.

In conclusion, mastering CONCAT can greatly enhance your Excel data analysis skills. To further improve your Excel proficiency, check out our step-by-step video tutorials on our YouTube channel PKAnExcelExpert .