DAYS Formula


Let’s start with the basics. The DAYS formula in Excel calculates the number of days between two dates.


The DAYS formula serves the primary purpose of quantifying the difference between two dates, which can be useful in a wide variety of data analysis scenarios.


The syntax of the DAYS formula is straightforward:

=DAYS(end_date, start_date)


This formula takes two parameters:

  1. End_date: This is the later date.
  2. Start_date: This is the earlier date.


The DAYS formula will return the number of days between the start_date and the end_date.

Usage notes

An important note is that the DAYS formula can handle dates in different formats and can be used in combination with other Excel formulas to perform more complex calculations.


The DAYS formula is available in all modern versions of Excel.

Example #1

Imagine you want to calculate the number of days between the dates in cells A2 and B2. You can use the DAYS formula like this:

=DAYS(B2, A2)

This formula will return the number of days between the dates in A2 and B2.

Example #2

In case you want to calculate the number of days between a specific date and today’s date, you can use the DAYS formula as follows:

=DAYS(TODAY(), "2023-01-01")

This formula will return the number of days between January 1, 2023, and today’s date.

Example #3

For our third example, let’s calculate the number of days between two dates specified in text format:

=DAYS("2023-12-31", "2023-01-01")

This formula will return the number of days between January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2023.

Example #4

Let’s see how the DAYS formula handles dates given in European date format (DD/MM/YYYY):

=DAYS("12/31/2023", "01/01/2023")

In this case, the formula will return the number of days between January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2023.

Example #5

In our final example, we will use the DAYS formula to calculate the number of days a project took:

=DAYS("2023-06-30", "2023-01-01")

Here, this formula will return the number of days between the project’s start and end dates.

Tips and tricks

You can use the ABS function with the DAYS formula to always get a positive number of days, regardless of the order of the dates.


One key limitation of the DAYS formula is that it can only handle valid Excel dates (between January 1, 1900, and December 31, 9999).

Common errors and solutions

One common error when using the DAYS formula is supplying non-date values as parameters. This will return a #VALUE! error. So always ensure that the input values are valid dates.

Best Practices

A best practice when using the DAYS formula is to always validate the input dates. Also, remember to use the ABS function when the order of dates doesn’t matter and you just need the absolute difference in days.

List of Related functions

Related functions include DATEDIF, TODAY, and NETWORKDAYS. These formulas can be used in conjunction with the DAYS formula for complex date calculations.

Frequently Used with the formulas

The DAYS formula often works with functions like TODAY, DATEDIF, NETWORKDAYS, and DATE for creating dynamic date-related calculations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I use the DAYS formula to calculate the difference in months or years?

No, the DAYS formula only calculates the difference in days. For months or years, you can use the DATEDIF formula.

Q. What happens if the end_date is earlier than the start_date?

The DAYS formula will return a negative number if the end_date is earlier than the start_date.

Q. Does the DAYS formula include the start_date and end_date in the calculation?

Yes, both the start_date and end_date are included in the calculation.

Enhance your Excel proficiency by mastering the DAYS formula. Whether it’s calculating project durations or figuring out age, this powerful formula comes handy.

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