
Starting with the basics, the DATEDIF formula in Excel helps you calculate the difference between two dates. It’s a fantastic tool for handling dates and time-related calculations.


In a nutshell, we use the DATEDIF formula to determine the exact number of days, months, or years between two given dates.


Here’s the syntax for the DATEDIF formula:

=DATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)


The DATEDIF formula takes three parameters:

  1. Start_date – This is the beginning date of the period you’re measuring.
  2. End_date – This is the ending date.
  3. Unit – This is the unit of time you want the difference in. It can be days (“d”), months (“m”), or years (“y”).


The DATEDIF formula returns the difference between the start and end date in the chosen unit of time.

Usage notes

Remember that the DATEDIF formula is particularly useful for time-sensitive calculations, such as tracking project durations or calculating ages.


The DATEDIF formula is available in all versions of Excel.

Example #1

Consider the scenario where you need to calculate someone’s age. Use this formula as follows:


This formula will return the age of the person if A2 contains their birthdate.

Example #2

In our second example, let’s calculate the number of days between two dates:


Here, if A2 is the start date and B2 is the end date, the formula will return the number of days between these dates.

Example #3

Now, let’s see how many months are between two dates:


Again, if A2 is the start date and B2 is the end date, the formula will return the number of months between these dates.

Example #4

For our fourth example, let’s determine the number of years between two dates:


As you probably guessed, this will return the number of years between the start date in A2 and the end date in B2.

Example #5

For our final example, we will calculate the number of complete years and leftover months:

=DATEDIF(A2,B2,"y") & " Years, " & DATEDIF(A2,B2,"ym") & " Months"

Here, we’re calculating the number of complete years first, then the remaining months.

Tips and tricks

The DATEDIF formula can return strange results if the start date is later than the end date, so always double-check your inputs.


One important limitation is that this formula doesn’t have built-in error handling. If the start date is later than the end date, it can lead to incorrect results.

Common errors and solutions

A common error with this formula is swapping the start date and end date. Remember, the start date always comes before the end date.

Best Practices

One best practice when using this formula is to always check the results. Make sure that the start date is not later than the end date to avoid any potential mistakes.

List of Related functions

The related functions include TODAY, NOW, and YEARFRAC. These formulas can work in conjunction with DATEDIF for more detailed date calculations.

Frequently Used with the formulas

The DATEDIF formula often works hand-in-hand with functions like TODAY and NOW, allowing us to calculate durations relative to the current date and time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Does the DATEDIF formula include the start and end date?

Yes, this formula includes both the start and end dates in its calculation.

Q. Can the DATEDIF formula calculate the difference in weeks?

No, this formula only calculates the difference in days, months, or years.

Q. Can I use the DATEDIF formula to calculate future dates?

Absolutely! You can use this formula to calculate the difference between today’s date and a future date, allowing you to see how many days, months, or years are in the future.

Q. What happens if the start date is later than the end date in the DATEDIF formula?

If the start date is later than the end date, the DATEDIF formula can return incorrect results. Always ensure the start date is earlier than the end date.

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